Thursday, October 15, 2015

Article review #3

David stockman's article was confusing to say the least. He uses acronyms and vocabulary and names people and assumed his readers with be completely on board with what he is saying. Which is a reasonable assumption, but I don't understand it. While I look up a decent amount of his references, it doesn't always clear things up. He is passionate though, and obviously believes the economy is in the tank, or getting there. I'm not sure if he's a pessimist or a realist. He believes that the Fed has allowed a decline in our economy and he really thinks Bernanke is playing a big role on covering it up. He talks about rising inflation rates and zero-interest policies and an economic bubble. While I can see how it's bad, not all of it fits in together yet. He even connects the economic disparity to Brazil and their financial bubble. The real players he seems to keep referring to central banks, and mentions the increase in debt world wide. While I understand stockman's style and rhetoric more than before, the article still proved to leave me stumped except for the knowledge that the economy needs major help from non corrupt banks or government officials. 

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