Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Article Review #6

I would like to start off by saying I don't enjoy Stockman's articles. Whether he's on the right path or is only speaking the truth, I can't say, but his delivery shows it all off. He comes off very pretentious and judgmental and throws around elaborate vocabulary to increase his ethos, which only makes me want to stop reading. That being said, David Stockman's article focuses on how the BSL is over estimating the jobs in December when they adjust the GDP for seasonal jobs. In between all of Stockman's sass and attitude, he explains how the economy is actually in shambles and jobs have been going down, contrary to what is being shown in the number. He addresses how not every December produces the same numbers which is valid, and then goes on to show the graphs to prove it. This relates to what we're leaving because we learned how GPD is often adjusted for seasonal fares, such as extra buying during the holidays. 

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